Courtemaiche, Switzerland to Lake Como, Italy

  We departed the northwest corner of Switzerland in the mountains above the clouds en route to Lake Como, Italy, where we’d stay for the night. The trip would take us diagonally through Switzerland and it’s multiple language areas. Due to Switzerland’s unique position between France, Germany and Italy, all three of those countries have influenced the Swiss society. One of those influences in Swiss society is language…French, German and Italian are all spoken as national languages, but depending on what part of the country you’re residing in, some people may speak only one or another. Within an hour of commencing our drive, we had moved from a French area to a dominant German area and a few hours later, a primarily Italian area.  
 Our route took us through giant mountain ranges filled with the bright colors of fall, eventually leading us to the Swiss alps and their dominant skyline. Nothing will make you more humble or feel as tiny as gazing up to see a mountain peak reaching out toward heaven. It made for a phenomenal visual drive.  

 Also, lest it be forgotten that Switzerland is fantastic at making chocolate, many shops and stores have walls full of different Swiss chocolates. Giving new meaning to “death by chocolate”.  

 We arrived in the busy, but gorgeous Lake Como where we were lucky to have a lakefront view at our hotel. We got a chance to walk around, enjoy a Campari soda and some nibbles to eat before catching a nap before dinner. As a great surprise, we were joined at dinner by my very good Camino friend, Alberto who lives only 40 minutes from Como. It was a wonderful opportunity for my parents to meet him and his girlfriend, Josephina and for us to catch up. I look forward to seeing him in the United States soon.  

 On Sunday we will arrive in Forli to begin our visit with our dads family for a few days.  


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